
[Novel Series] - Al Selazz

Title: Al Selazz
Writer: Caramelo Del Belair 
Year: 2007 
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Action, Epic.
 Al Selazz is a novel series; consisting a trilogy:

Summary of 1st Volume:  
In the ancient world, the map was centred only on the south-central of Europe, north Africa, south-east of Asia and the Middle east, the powers were balanced...
In the extreme west of Al-Mohades empire, Josef son of Kader is a teenager who always wanted to be a great Judge as his father was recognised by the Sultan, his story was about a journey to fulfil his dream but some twisted events happened, turning into a soldier instead of making his career to be a Judge, attempt of assassinating the Sultan and his family in his first mission and the situation will get even weirder when he will be involved in unexplained paranormal activities... Things become scary when juggling becomes the enemies weapon that you can't counter with brute force and ultimately... Appearance of horrific creatures...
Summary of 2nd Volume:  
Many of  "enemies" are trying to bring down the rule of Sultan and his board of "generals" in order to make the extreme west region reined by "enemies'" and make "their power" a weapon to conquer the world. 
New promised enemy soon to be at the doors of the Sultans, an enemy that shouldn't even exist in this world, a catastrophe that will storm the entire region dominated by Al-Mohades, bizarre will happen to the atmosphere, fearsome rage and bloodshed could be felt in the air, what's happening?  
Summary of 3rd Volume:  

V1:  4% to be complete.
V2:  1.7% to be complete.
V3:  0.5% to be complete.  


Testingtest said...

If you've any thing to say please don't hesitate to mention it in here.

Anonymous said...

how is the best novel in your collection still in 4% of process?
not to mention that you didn't started working on the other two volumes.